February 27, 2012
Facial Facts: Top 5 Reasons You’ll Love Getting a Facial
How long has it been since your last facial? Can you even remember the last time you indulged in this ultimate spa experience? If not, read on for a little reminder of why facials are so fantastic.
1. Clean, clean, clean: Whether you’re diligent about your nighttime routine of makeup removal, cleansing, toning, and moisturizing or you’re simply slapping your face with cold water and Ivory soap, getting a facial can help your skin reach a new level of clean. With a variety of facials to choose from, you can select the one that is right for your skin type and will offer the optimum in a deep-pore clean.
2. Soothing: Day-to-day life is taking a toll on your skin. Environmental agents, whether manmade like smog or natural like pollen, can leave your skin feeling irritated and raw. The right type of facial will leave you feeling clean and comfortable, giving your skin the smooth, soft feeling you love.
3. Youthful: Most high quality facials will help you shed the outer layer of your skin that is old and dead. Sloughing off these excess skin cells and the waste and oil that can clog pores reveals new, younger-looking skin and stimulates regeneration, giving you a more youthful appearance.
4. Restorative: A quality facial can help your skin improve itself by increasing the cells’ metabolic rate and increasing the oxygen content in the skin. By helping your skin become healthier, you can restore a more youthful glow.
5. Relaxing: Just lie back and relax in dim light and a soft robe. Ahhhh. For the next hour you’re going to be pampered with a facial massage, hand massage, moisturizers, and more as soothing music plays in the background. In the land of chimps and apes, the best you can get is some nit picking and grooming on a tree branch. As spa-going humans, we’ve got it sooooo much better.
So indulge yourself with a facial with us! Schedule an appointment with Phagans’ School of Hair Design and choose a package that works for you.