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Phagans Employee of the Month: Patty Drexler

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Patty Drexler is a familiar face at our SE campus. She is a Financial Aid Administrator for Phagans SE, and is very much a part of our students academic life by helping them negotiate the task of funding their education. Patty is a champion for their success, and cares about each and every student past and present. Just a couple quick questions so you can learn a little more about Miss Drexler.

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Who’s That Photo-Bombing Bombshell?

If you pay attention to the Phagans Facebook page, you will see one person, more than any other, end up in many of the photos. You can’t miss Miss Betty striking a pose with her hand on her hip and a leg pushed in front of her. But she’s  more than a pretty face and perpetual photo-bomber. Let’s get to know her:

Position and Number of Years at Phagans?

I have been with Phagans for 13 years and am a fully licensed instructor for both day and night classes. I mentor my students and let them job shadow me at JCPenny’s hair salon. I am the artistic team director at both campuses.

What’s your favorite thing about working at Phagans?

I love it when a student sets a goal, then I …

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Q&A With 2014 Rose Festival Queen Emma Audrey Waibel

Since Phagans School of Hair Design has provided, the hair, make-up, and styling for the Portland Rose Festival Princesses during the Queen’s coronation for several years, we thought we catch up with 2014 Queen Emma Audrey Waibel for a quick Q&A on her experiences.  This year’s coronation is Saturday, June 6, 2015.

How did you get involved with the Rose Festival?

I attended the 2012 Queen’s Coronation and then also went to one of the metro coronations and was inspired by the confidence and civic involvement of the girls who applied.

What was it like being crowned Rose Festival Queen?

It’s incredibly overwhelming being surrounded by close friends and family and also being recognized as a leader by the city of Portland.

What are some highlights you’ve had over the last year …

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Anti-Aging Tips for Moms of Every Age

As Mother’s Day approaches, husbands, children, grandchildren, and well-wishers of all stripes are scurrying to find the perfect present for mom. For busy moms, Mother’s Day may be little more than a reminder of the steady march of time. If you’re anything like most moms, you’re probably sick of anti-aging tips that don’t work and products that fail. We’re ready to change all that, with your complete guide to Mother’s Day anti-aging by age. Whether you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up or a luxurious anti-aging treatment, we’ve got you covered.

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Alumni Profile: Samantha Borenheim

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I started off in the industry close to 20 years ago doing hair and makeup at Glamour Shot back in the 90’s and managed to salon in high school. Then I went in a very corporate direction. … I really feel like I finally found my home when I started with Phagans.

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Alumni Profile: Sarah Pein

Meet Sarah Pein. We are very proud of her and her recent graduation from the Lloyd Campus. Our loss is a salon’s gain, as she looks to transition into being behind the chair. Congratulations Sarah on getting licensed and following your dream. You have worked hard and we will miss you, but we know you will be successful and always a big part of the Phagans family.

How did you get involved with Phagans?

I was wanting to save up for Cosmetology School. My fiancé actually saw that Phagans was hiring. I thought it would be great to work at a cosmetology school to motivate me to save up. I was working at McDonalds at the time, so I was very excited to apply at Phagans.

How …

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Five Easy and Hot Hairstyles for Date Night

If thoughts of date night conjure images of your hair baking in a straightener or spending an hour with curlers in your hair, think again, because you’re doing it wrong. Date night glam doesn’t have to take forever, and it certainly doesn’t have to lead to endless frustration. Take the guesswork out of your next sultry evening with these five super-easy hairstyles.

Beach Waves

Beach waves are the style of the moment everywhere from fashion runways to local coffee shops. This romantic, alluring look is super-easy to pull off. Simply grab a one-inch curling iron and wrap one- to two-inch sections of hair around it, leaving the ends loose. Finger-comb, spray, and then go. For an even easier take on this gorgeous look, try wrapping your …

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The Five Hottest Careers in Cosmetology

Cosmetology is a career that offers a variety of different paths. As a cosmetologist, you can have the opportunity to help people feel better about themselves and help them in numerous other ways. Learn about the five hottest careers in cosmetology here!

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Student Spotlight: Sharde-Marie Clark

Sharde-Marie Clark

Why did you enroll in beauty school?

At 19 I watched “Chicago” the musical for the first time on stage, and decided that was what I wanted to do, work on Broadway. The idea of my work being shown on stage for the world to see was my ideal choice of career. I’m a “jack of all trades”, have my degree in English and journalism, as I thought at one point I wanted to be a history teacher! I have done hair and makeup for drag queens and community outreach programs like Nightscare Productions where we raise money and have food drives for the local community.

Why did you choose Phagans?

It was the nicest school and they actually answered my inquiry! I moved …

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Summer Skin Tips for Sun-Starved Northwesterners

The month of July in Portland is proving to be a sunny and hot one. Since few of us see the sun for 9 months out of the year it’s tempting to try to soak it up as much as possible during the short time it’s out. But be careful, as too much sun exposure can at the least dry out your skin or at the worst put you at a risk for skin damage that may lead to skin cancer years later. So here are a few tips to make sure your skin stays soft, supple, and undamaged while you’re living it up poolside:

Use Sunscreen: Use plenty of sunscreen while you’re soaking up rays. Look for ones that are labelled “broad spectrum” – effective …

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11860 SE 82nd Ave
Happy Valley, OR
(503) 652-2668