6 Beauty Trends For Fall
Whether you’re a beauty enthusiast or simply looking for ways to refresh your style, we’re here to guide you through the top beauty trends for fall. From makeup to hair, we’ve got you covered with the latest tips and tricks to help you look and feel your best this season.
8 Tips To Be A Successful Student
Pursuing a career as a beauty professional can be both exciting and challenging. In this blog, we will explore eight essential tips that can help you become a successful student at Phagans School of Hair Design, setting you on the path to a career in the beauty industry.
Skills Not Related To Beauty You Could Learn In Beauty School
Beyond the beauty skills needed to succeed in the industry, there are a lot of skills learned throughout the process that have far-reaching benefits in various aspects of life. In this blog, we’re going over the unexpected skills you can gain while going to Phagans School of Hair Design!
8 Traits That Make You A Great Beauty Professional
If you’re planning on becoming a beauty professional, developing these traits can not only enhance your career prospects but also allow you to make a lasting impact in the beauty industry. In this blog, we explore the eight key traits that make a great beauty professional!
Why You Should Consider A Dual Program
Do you have a passion for beauty and have a hard time choosing a program? If so, we have the perfect solution for you! In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of enrolling in a dual program at Phagans and why it might be the right choice for you!
How To Prepare For Your Beauty School Tour
When choosing which beauty school to attend, scheduling a tour should be the first step. In this blog post, we’re providing you with our top tips on how to prepare for your beauty school tour at Phagans School of Hair Design!
Hair Design Vs Barbering
If you’re passionate about hair and beauty, you are probably considering a career in either hair design or barbering! While they share similarities, they also share differences. Read our blog to learn more about the two!
Which Beauty School Program is Best for You?
Interested in going to beauty school? You’re probably wondering what program you should enroll in. Take our quiz to learn more about our programs and find out which of our programs is best for you!
7 inspirational TikTok beauty professionals
TikTok can be a great platform for finding inspiration in the beauty industry, but it can be difficult to know where to find them! We put together a list of 7 TikTok accounts that focus on hair, skin and nails, so you can keep up with all of the latest trends in the beauty industry.
6 Ways to Balance Beauty School and Life
Starting your education in beauty means adjusting to a new schedule. This can often mean you’re stressed trying to juggle your beauty responsibilities and life outside of school. So, we’ve created a list of 6 tips to help you balance your life. Read our blog to learn more!